League Dates, Rules & Fees


We would like to take this opportunity to invite your club and members to enter our Target Shooting Leagues.

Closing Date: 15th March.

General Rules

National Small-bore Rifle Association (NSRA) General & Postal Rules shall apply, except if they were modified by the Cumbria & Northumberland Target Shooting Association (CNTSA) Rules & Guidelines.

Declared Averages to be a true average of the last 6 targets shot under match conditions. If a competitor has previously shot in the CNTSA Leagues, they must use that average.

Competition stickers will be issued, these must be affixed to the front of the target by a club official before the card is shot.

Note: For Long Range comps two stickers will be issued per round for those shooting on two cards, those shooting on one card must place both stickers on the card.

Team Competitions

Team competitions are for teams of 3.

Note: NSRA Rule 7.9.3: Where a club enters more than one team, the best available shooters must be placed in the ‘A’ team, the next best in the ‘B’ team and so on.

Entry Fees

Team competitions are for teams of 3.

Individual entries are £3.00

Team entries are £9.00